Thank you for the beauty that you add to our world.” A chance encounter in Rome, a visit to Los Angeles, and a beautiful day spent with new friends. The Fong family was introduced to Enzo Aiello, and soon they embraced his vision for the Getsemani project.
“Understanding the artist’s inspiration and appreciating the excellence, the beauty of his work, were just the beginning. The experience of watching the design take shape and actually come to life in these stones has been a spiritual journey, more than just a peripheral involvement,” explained Merrietta Fong.
“I was fortunate, actually blessed, to be able to visit Studio Aiello as the first panel was finished. When I saw the color, actually felt the light reflected and generated, and then touched the stone, I found myself searching for a connection to something in between the tesserae, in the interstices. There was a resonance, an energy, a substance created within the art.”
As the second and third panels are born, we eagerly anticipate seeing the fully developed theme of the emerging, triumphant rose.